Methodological aspects for modelling environmental risk of road accidents with transportation of hazardous materials.

Giovany Cordeiro, F. Stolte Bezerra, B. & Silvia P. Peixoto, A.

Despite the hazardous materials are potentially harmful to the environment and human health, their use is essential for the development of the country. In this way a road accident involving hazardous materials had environmental consequences to the soil, air and water. In order to protect the environment and human health the objective of this paper is the discussion of a methodological approach for the developing a model of environmental risk of traffic accidents involving the Road Transport of Hazardous Materials (RTHM), to create a map of environmental risks in a geographic information system. The environmental risk map will allow the identification of areas with high risk of accidents and can be used in guiding operations in emergencies, targeting of measures to reduce these risks, or may guide the identification of areas with the greatest potential for conflict that they do not are used as main routes, thus ensuring traffic safety. This work contributes to the methodological aspects for measuring the impacts of occurrences of accidents involving RTHM, since it is more important to prevent accidents from happening than providing answers to them. This publication may be accessed by Internet users at:

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20130304 oo ST (In: ST 20130304 [electronic version only])

In: Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world : current issues and future challenges : papers and presentations presented at the 25th workshop of the International Cooperation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety ICTCT, Hasselt, Belgium, October 8-9, 2012, Pp.

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