A methodology for operative cost and revenue evaluation in transit systems : application to an Italian extra-urban area.

Cirianni, F. Di & Gangi, M.

The need of evaluating the amount of subsidies and the definition of services to be assured to collectivity yields to a socio-economic evaluation of impacts, revenues and costs. As a matter of fact, on the one hand, the chances for firms to effectually compete for the attributions of a set of services need a careful evaluation of possible revenues (due both to contract and fares) taking into account also running costs. On the other, the evaluation of the amount of subsidies that local authorities can allocate to transit companies finalised to the definition of those effective services to be assured to collectivity, leads to the necessity of conducting a preliminary parametric financial analysis of supposed costs and revenues. Starting from such considerations, a methodology for such an analysis and for performance evaluation is proposed and applied to an Italian test site. For the covering abstract see ITRD E124693.

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C 31777 (In: C 31766 CD-ROM) /72 /10 / ITRD E124704

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Homerton College, Cambridge, 9-11 September 2002, 16 p.

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