Methods for road safety and quantitative decision-making.

Flury, F.C.

For many objectives, especially in the field of road safety, no relevant scales have yet been developed to measure the effect of regulations, nor have models been designed to evaluate these regulations in operation. When the effects of decisions are only partially quantifiable, a choice has to be made between a qualitative evaluation and accepting the disadvantage that some useful quantitative information has not been used, or a quantitative evaluation in which personal observations cannot be excluded. However, an evaluation method is preferable that utilizes quantitative information optimally and incorporates non-quantitative elements. This philosophy was used to develop decision-making procedures related to road safety. (Author/publisher)

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20170629 ST [electronic version only]

In: Quantitative methods in management : case studies of failures and successes, Tilanus, de Gans & Lenstra (eds.), Chichester, Wiley, 1986, p. 213-220


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