Meting van het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor intelligente snelheidsbegrenzers.

Hoorebeeck, B. van

Within the framework of the national "sustainable mobility" research programme (SSTC-DWTC), a project was drawn up entitled "Towards the social acceptance of vehicle-technical speed control within an intrinsically safe environment". During the mapping-out process for this project, the provision was made for a study about the social acceptance of intelligent speed adapters (ISA), as an instrument to estimate the social feasibility of such a measure. In this discussion paper, a motivation can be found for the formulation of the study. A social acceptance model that was presented earlier has been put into concrete terms. This results in a formulation which goes further than research into the attitude of the population towards ISA on the one hand, and which approaches the phenomenon of excessive speed in a wider manner on the other hand. In this regard, attitudes towards the policy, the definition of the problem of excessive speed, and more general attitudes towards speed are considered central to the formulation of the question. (A)

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Brussel, Belgisch Instituut voor de Verkeersveiligheid BIVV, Afdeling Onderzoek en Advies, Programma Verkeersgedrag, 2000, VI + 52 p., 14 ref.; discussion paper ; No. 00-06

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