Michigan investigation of soi1 aggregate cushions and reinforced asphalt concrete for preventing on reducing reflection cracking of resurfaced pavements.

Copple, F. and L.T. Cehler.

In an eifort to re duce reflection oraeking of bitumious rc;-surfacing over rigid pavement, 1'he Michigan vepartment ofState lIighways has investigated the uae of both aoi1 aggre-gate aushions and continuoua rinforcement in the bitu-meous concrete resurfacing lavero Deaause of high traffio v(volumes, it ia of ten importent that any interruption ofvehicle; flow during reAurfacing operations be for shortdurationso

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A 2569 fo

Presented at the 47th Annual Meeting HRH (1968), ook inHRR nr. 239, pag. 120-131.

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