Minimizing traffic nuisance (in cities) by optimization of logistics and means of transport.

Postma, T.

As regards a large distribution company in Ted Netherlands, it will be shown what ways it follows towards performing its role in society. As a matter of course this will begin with the requirements of the retail outlets, being the places where it ultimately meets its customers. A picture will be drawn of the current infrastructure and the methods and means by which it fulfils those requirements. Attention is concentrated on government action against traffic nuisance. A number of measures will be mentioned and their possible effects analyzed. Special attention will be drawn to the fact that there appears to be no concerted action of local governments, which is rather confusing to a nationally operating company. Under the influence of these measures one may select a limited number of reactions and thus come towards an adapted distribution policy. The possibilities will be shown with their respective effects. Also other considerations and restrictions will be taken into account. More specifically attention will be paid to actual plans to combine the physical distribution of currently separately handled product groups.

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C 179 (In: C 155) [electronic version only] /72.2 /93 / IRRD 847464

In: Freight transport and the environment, p. 295-300

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