Minutes of six regional workshops about Naturalistic Driving. PROmoting real Life Observations for Gaining Understanding of road user behaviour in Europe PROLOGUE, Deliverable D5.11.

Eichhorn, A. & Schagen, I.N.L.G. van (eds.)

The PROLOGUE project aims at assessing the feasibility and usefulness of a large European scale Naturalistic Driving (ND) study. One of the activities to reach this aim is the organisation of several workshops, two international workshops and six regional workshops. The main objective of the regional workshops was to acquaint potential stakeholders (road safety, traffic management, industry and environment) with the ND research approach and the useful applications in various transport-related areas as well as to give the floor to speakers from organisations with different investigation interests. The particular reason for arranging regional workshops in different countries was to involve stakeholders who would for any reason not attend an event with English as working language. The current Deliverable presents the minutes of the six regional workshops, including the agendas, the participant lists, a brief summary of the presentations and discussions, the results of a questionnaire among the workshop participants, and the overall conclusions. The six Chapters of this Deliverable present the minutes of each of the workshops, starting off with the workshop in Norway (13 October 2010), followed by the workshop in Austria (18 November 2010), the Netherlands (23 November, 2011), Spain (14 December 2010), United Kingdom (21 January 2011), and finally Greece (22 February 2011). Chapter 8 presents an overview of the questionnaire results. The final chapter of this Deliverable gives an overview of the overall conclusions. The PowerPoint presentations of the workshops can be downloaded in the respective national language at http://www.prologue-eu.eu/ except those, that included non-publishable information. (Author/publisher) See http://www.prologue-eu.eu/ for more information and other reports about this programme.

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20111311 ST [electronic version only]

Wien, Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit KfV, 2011, 68 p.; EU Seventh Framework Programme; Theme 7 Transport / Grant Agreement Number: 233597

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