Misuse of restraint systems for children and adults.

Schoon, C.C.

A study is described of the use of child seats in The Netherlands. Four types are used: a) rearward facing baby seat, b) seat with harness belt, c) seat without harness belt but with a shield of foam over which the belt is strapped and d) booster cushion. Seats were examined for the way in which they were secured to the car and the way in which the child was strapped in. A particular problem was the type of seat not being suitable for the type of car.

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C 9109 (In: C 9093 S) /91 / RRD 880203 [electronic version only]

In: Proceedings of Fourth European Workshop on recent developments in Road Safety Research, held at Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, October 22-23, 1991, p. 109-112, 4 ref.


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