MITKA : gebruikersonderzoek naar een nieuw vervoermiddel voor de korte afstand : resultaten van de werknemersenquête bij NIKE (Hilversum).

Broeke, A.M. van den Korver, W. & Droppert-Zilver, M.

Within the framework of the MITKA Mobility Project (Mobility Concept for Individual Transport for Short Distances) a new vehicle for distances up to 20 kilometres is developed. An Internet survey among employees of the European Headquarters of NIKE (Netherlands) was held to survey the opinion of potential users regarding the first design of the new vehicle. Using an interactive questionnaire, employees were asked for their current modes of transport, to comment on vehicles they tested, to assemble their own ideal MITKA, and the conditions under which they would use the MITKA. Most of the respondents responded positively to the MITKA as a new vehicle for distances up to 20 kilometres. If parking and congestion problems continue increasing, more respondents are prepared to use the MITKA in commuter traffic. Though most respondents prefer the two-wheel version of the MITKA above the three-wheel version, it is recommended that development focuses on the three-wheel version. This is related to the demand that the new vehicle should be faster than and different from a conventional bike. In addition, the intended users of the MITKA, namely motorists living up to 20 kilometres from their place of work, prefer the three-wheel version to the two-wheel version. (A)

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C 16097 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E203641

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, Afdeling Vervoer, 2000, VIII + 40 p., 1 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro Vervoer 2000-08 / 00/NV/150 - ISBN 90-6743-695-X

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