Mixture densities, maximum likelihood and the EM algorithm.

Redner, R.A & Walker, H.F.

The problem of estimating the parameters which determine a mixture density has been the subject of a large, diverse body of literature spanning nearly ninety years. During the last two decades, the method of maximum likelihood has become the most widely followed approach to this problem, thanks primarily to the advent of high speed electronic computers. Here, the authors offer a brief survey of the literature directed toward this problem and review maximum-likelihood estimation for it. The authors then turn to the subject of ultimate interest, which is a particular iterative procedure for numerically approximating maximum-likelihood estimates for mixture density problems. This procedure, known as the EN algorithm, is a specialization to the mixture density context of a general algorithm of the same name used to approximate maximum-likelihood estimates for incomplete data problems. The authors discuss the formulation and theoretical and practical properties of the EM algorithm for mixture densities, focussing in particular on mixtures of densities from exponential families.

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941554 ST [electronic version only]

SIAM Review, Vol. 26 (1984), No. 2 (April), p. 195-239

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