Mobilekids:a safety initiative for children by DailmerChrysler.

Bernhardt, S.

Road traffic injuries are a major public health challenge. An estimated 1.2 million people are killed in road accidents each year and as many as 50 million are injured. Projections indicate that these figures will increase by about 65 per cent over the next 20 years unless there is new commitment to accident prevention. Children are at particular risk in road traffic: every year, millions of road traffic accidents involve children, with some 25,000 being killed. Guaranteeing safety and mobility for people and goods is one of DaimlerChrysler's major objectives. In addition to the active and passive safety of vehicles, the company is becoming increasingly involved with road traffic itself. The driving force behind this is the vision of accident-free driving. This is about safety not just for the driver, but for all road users alike. DaimlerChrysler is aware of its duty to take on responsibility for society and launched a worldwide effort for sustainable accident prevention in 2001. Through its international MobileKids campaign, the company aims to draw the attention of children all over the world to the dangers in road traffic. (A). For the covering abstract of the conference see E217780.

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C 45737 (In: C 45677 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E217840

In: Proceedings the 13th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Warsaw, Poland 5-7 October 2005, 2 p.

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