Mobiliteit mag - Veiligheid moet : inleiding ter gelegenheid van het Nationaal Verkeersveiligheidscongres, 13 april 2000, Amsterdam.

Wegman, F.C.M.

Mobility may - Safety must; Introduction for the National Road Safety Congress, 13th April, 2000, Amsterdam. The Netherlands’ road safety policy works with quantitative targets: in 2000, the number of victims will have to be 25% less than in 1986. In 2010, the number of road deaths will have to have been reduced to 750, and the in-patients to 14,000. The 2010 targets are within our reach, but we will have to develop additional initiatives. If we compare our road safety developments with the European countries around us, there is not a single reason for complacency. The question of what to do about it requires on the one hand, a political/managerial answer, and on the other hand, an intrinsic answer. The author recommends making road safety an integral part of the National Traffic and Transport Plan, with the slogan “Mobility may - Safety must”. The next phases of Sustainably Safe must create such conditions that road safety is clearly included in the weighting process, and that, moreover, no damage is done to the vision and starting points of Sustainably Safe.


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Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 17 p.; D-2000-12


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