Mobilitijd : de invloed van tijd op mobiliteit.

Borsje, J. Voet, P. Jansen, A. Mariani, T.

The modal split expresses the importance of transport modes. The covered distance is the usual unit to determine the proportion the modal split expresses. This paper presents the modal split in two extra proportions: the travel distance and the time spent in the different transport modes. The importance of the slower means of transport and the public transport together is much bigger than the usual presentation of the modal split expresses. By means of travel distance and the time spent in the different transport modes, the paper describes the choice of transport modes for different travel motives. The paper is based on the study titled "Time use and the influence on mobility" (In Dutch: "Mobilitijd: invloed van tijd op de mobiliteit") that HASKONING carries out at this moment. The study focuses at this stage on the translation of the results into regional mobility and environmental policies. (A)

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C 19150 (In: C 19126 a [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E206336

In: Wie betaalt bepaalt! : 27ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 2000 : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 30 november en 1 december 2000, deel 1, p. 419-435

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