Mobility considerations in restricting choice sets in modal choice models.

Primerano, F.

By further processing data already available from revealed preference surveys, this paper will discuss research that attempts to derive the movements of household vehicles and household members with driver's licences in space and time to determine the mobility of each individual at any moment. Essentially, this procedure will determine whether an individual with a driver's licence has a vehicle to use when and where they need it. In addition, the ownership of children and adult bikes within the household will be considered for bike related trips. The results from the application of this procedure on several modal choice models are discussed. This paper then concludes with a discussion on how this procedure can be further improved to better estimate mode choice alternatives available to an individual and also other potential applications of this procedure. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210528.

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C 29086 (In: C 29076 CD-ROM) /72 /71 /83 / ITRD E210538

In: CAITR-2003 : [proceedings of the] 25th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research, University of South Australia, Transport Systems Centre, 3-5 December 2003, 13 p.

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