Mobility of the elderly in time and space in The Netherlands : an analysis of the Dutch National Travel Survey.

Tacken, M.

Mobility is an aspect of the quality of life, especially for the elderly. Mobility is a necessary condition for independence. Based on the Dutch National Travel Survey 1979-1994, trends in person trips, car trips and distances covered for several types of journey purposes made by elderly people are described. The database for 1994 has been used to provide a more detailed description of the travel behaviour: distribution in time of activities, distances for different purposes, main transport modes and reasons for travel. Some information is provided on the characteristics of elderly people who did not mention a trip in the one-day diary. (A)

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C 16478 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E100032

Transportation, Vol. 25 (1998), No. 4 (November), p. 379-393, 22 ref.

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