Mobility enterprise : one year later.

Doherty, M.J. & Sparrow, F.T.

A mobility enterprise is a new transportation concept aimed at increasing the productivity of the automobile through use of mini or micro automobiles in conjunction with a shared fleet of intermediate and full-sized vehicles. The main objective of the enterprise is to provide a better matching of vehicle attributers to trip requirements and still maintain the personal freedom that appears to be so highly valued by the American driver. Although this concept was presented in detail in an earlier TRB Record (TRR 882), a view of the progress that has been made in taking the mobility enterprise from an innovative concept to an actual experiment is presented in this paper. The majority of the information deals with methods for observing consumer attitudes, designing the actual mobility enterprise, and measuring mini and micro automobile performance.

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C 11917 (In: C 11908 S) /72 / IRRD 281560

In: Transportation forecasting : analysis and quantitative methods, Transportation Research Record TRR 944, p. 70-74, 10 ref.

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