Mobility Strategy Applications in the Community MOSAIC : final report for publication.

Egeter, B. & Berghout, E.A.

This report describes the final results of the MOSAIC (MObility Strategy Applications In the Community) project. MOSAIC was a three-year research project which began in January 1996. It was funded by the European Commission Transport Directorate, DGVII, and had three primary objectives: (1) to improve the understanding of mobility management; (2) to demonstrate mobility management concepts in a variety of settings in different countries; and (3) to disseminate the findings to assist in the development of effective mobility management strategies. There were project partners and demonstration projects in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands. Mobility management is defined as primarily a demand orientated approach to passenger and freight transport that involves new partnerships and a set of tools to support and encourage change of attitude and behaviour towards `sustainable' transport modes. These tools are usually based on information, communication, organisation and co-ordination, and require promotion.

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C 14620 [electronic version only] /72 /73 /10 / IRRD E201703

Delft, TNO Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development INRO, Department of Transport, 1999, IV + 124 p., 19 ref.; TNO-report Inro-transport 1999-24 / 99/NV/212 - ISBN 90-6743-657-7

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