Model driver screening and evaluation program : final technical report. Volume I: Project Summary and Model Program Recommendations.

Staplin, L. Lococo, K.H. Gish, K.W. & Decina, L.E.

This research project studied the feasibility as well as the scientific validity and utility of performing functional capacity screening with older drivers. A Model Program was described encompassing procedures to detect functionally impaired drivers who pose an elevated risk to themselves and others; to support remediation of functional limitations if possible; to provide mobility counselling to inform and connect individuals with local alternative transportation options; and to educate the public and professionals about the link between functional decline and driving safety-all within a larger context of helping to preserve and extend the mobility of older persons. Early in this project, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to Driver License Administrators in the U.S. and Canada to broadly determine cost and time parameters, while identifying legal, ethical, or policy implications that could influence implementation of Model Program activities. Subsequently, a battery of functional tests was developed and pilot tested in Motor Vehicle Administration sites, and in the community. A database of scores on functional ability measures, driving habits information, and crash and violation history was created for over 2,500 drivers in three samples drawn from license renewal, medical referral, and residential community populations. Cost estimates for functional capacity screening and related Model Program activities were developed for research and production settings. A 477-page Safe Mobility for Older People Notebook (DOT HS 808 853; see ST 991534) was developed to support program initiatives promoting the safe mobility of older persons across all States and Provinces, including an Annotated Research Compendium of Driver Assessment Techniques for Age-Related Functional Impairments. A set of guidelines for motor vehicle administrators was also produced to update the 1992 publication by NHTSA and AAMVA of the same title. (Author/publisher) See also Volume II (C 26523) and Volume III (C 26524).

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C 26522 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2003, XIV + 48 p., 9 ref.; DOT HS 809 582

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