Model driver screening and evaluation program : final technical report. Volume III: Guidelines for motor vehicle administrators.

Staplin, L. & Lococo, K.H.

These Guidelines present an update of report number DOT HS 807 853 published in August 1992. They reflect current understanding of the relationship between functional capabilities and driving impairment gained through review of existing medical review programs, and the experience of jurisdictions in implementing pilot screening and evaluation activities. The results of the Maryland Pilot Older Driver Study are relied upon most extensively in the identification of procedures that can be recommended as most valid and feasible for implementation by jurisdictional (State and Provincial) driver licensing agencies. Practical, technical, and administrative issues associated with the development and implementation of a screening program for the detection of functionally-impaired drivers are addressed in these guidelines. A summary of the research syntheses and empirical findings that support these guidelines may be found in Volumes 1 and 2 of the Final Technical Report for NHTSA contract number DTNH22-96-C-05140, “Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program.” Additional supporting documentation is provided in the Safe Mobility for Older People Notebook, report number DOT HS 808 853 (See ST 991534), published in April 1999. (Author/publisher) See also Volume I (C 26522) and Volume II (C 26523).

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C 26524 [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 2003, VIII + 79 p.; DOT HS 809 581

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