Model ventilation study for the Northumberland Straits Road and Rail tunnel.

Baker, P.J. & Jacobs, B.E.A.

A case study of extensive model tests carried out to optimize the ventilation system for a tunnel proposed in Canada is presented. It is shown that the original design could be simplified. In particular the ventilation ducts in the wall of the road tunnels were found to be unnecessary and the railroad tunnel could be used for the exhaust manifold. These changes would have resulted in considerable reductions both in the capital and running costs of the ventilation system.

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B 7347 (In: B 7139) /23/

In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels, Canterbury, 1973, edited by H.S. Stephens, A.L. King and C.A. Richardson, Cranfield, British Hydromechanics Research Association, 1974, p. F3-37- F3-56

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