Modeling dominated choice alternatives using the constrained multinomial logit.

Martinez, F. Cascetta, E. Pagliara, F. Bierlaire, M. & Axhausen, K.W.

Random utility models are widely used to analyze choice behaviour and predict choices among discrete alternatives in a given set. These models are based on the assumption that an individual's preference for the available alternatives can be described with a utility function and that the individual selects the alternative with the highest utility. The traditional formulation of logit models applied to transport demand assumes compensatory (indirect) utilities based on the trade-off between attributes. Some authors have criticized this approach because it fails to recognize attribute thresholds in consumers behavior, as for example the process of elimination-by-aspects (EBA), or a more generic feasible choices domain, including forexample income and time constraints, where such compensatory strategy is contained. A different strategy has been proposed, which makes those choice alternatives out of the feasible domain, available but undesirable. Thisapproach has the advantage that the model is applied to the entire set ofchoices, thus gaining on efficiency by avoiding the explicit identification of choice sets for every individual, and secondly, obtaining a model with better properties for the calculation of equilibrium or optimum conditions. Based on this approach, the Constrained Multinomial Logit (CMNL) model was specified, which combines the multinomial logit model with a binomial logit factor that represents soft cut-offs. The objective of this study is to apply the CMNL to reproduce a principle of rationality: transferability of preferences. Under this principle some feasible alternatives may not be considered because they are dominated by another alternative. The authors propose two types of dominance of alternatives: (i) global dominance, when another alternative is globally preferred, considering their higherattractiveness and travel costs equal or lower; (ii) spatial dominance, where in addition of the previous criterion the dominating alternative is along the path from the individuals trip origin to the dominated alternative. The proposed approach is applied using the revealed preference survey conducted in 2005 in the canton of Zurich in Switzerland, covering the mobility and moving biography of the respondents. For the covering abstract see ITRD E145999

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C 49344 (In: C 49291 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E146054

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference ETC, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 6-8 October 2008, 9 p.

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