Modeling the injury severity of young drivers using highway crash data from Kansas.

Amarasingha, N. & Dissanayake, S.

Young drivers have higher motor vehicle crash rates compared to other drivers, and understanding the reasons for this would help to improve safety. This study, therefore, investigated characteristics and contributory causes of young-driver crashes and developed multinomial logit models to identify severity affecting factors. It was found that teen drivers were more likely to be involved in crashes due to failure to give time and attention and falling asleep. Among other factors, alcohol involvement, not wearing a seat belt, driving without a valid license, having restrictions on driver’s license, and involvement in off-roadway crashes were factors that increased young-driver injury severity. Based on identified factors, countermeasure ideas for improving safety have also been suggested. (Author/publisher)

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20130909 [electronic version only]

Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 52 (2013), No. 1 (Spring), p. 5-22, 24 ref.

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