Modellierung der Wirkungen verkehrsreduzierender Siedlungskonzepte. Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe.

Wassmuth, V.

Verkehrsreduzierende Konzepte wie verkehrsberuhigte Bereiche, autofreie Wohngebiete oder autoarme Stadtquartiere sind im Zusammenhang mit einer nachhaltigen Verkehrs- und Stadtentwicklung seit einigen Jahren verstaerkt in der Diskussion. Gegenstand der Veroeffentlichung (Dissertation) ist die Frage, inwieweit verkehrsreduzierende Siedlungskonzepte eine Aenderung der Verkehrsnachfrage zur Folge haben und wie diese in Verkehrssimulationsmodellen abgebildet werden koennen. Dazu wurde ein Modellansatz entwickelt, mit dem auf der Basis von Vorheruntersuchungen die Veraenderung der Zielwahl und der Verkehrsmittelnutzung bezogen auf den einzelnen Weg dargestellt werden kann. Da damit auch andere Massnahmenwirkungen beurteilt werden koennen, ist dadurch auch die Verbesserung von Verkehrsnachfragemodellen allgemein moeglich. Der Test an einem autoarmen Wohngebiet (Franzoesisches Viertel Tuebingen) zeigte allerdings dort keine wesentliche Veraenderung der Verkehrsnachfrage, da die Bewohner bereits an ihrem vorherigen Wohnstandort einen autoarmen Lebensstil aufwiesen, der im Untersuchungsgebiet zu einer Verbesserung des Wohnumfeldes und der Lebenssituation der Bewohner insgesamt fuehrt. English abstract: An unanswered question in the field of the evaluation of car-reduced planning are the impacts on the travel behaviour of the concerned population. Car-reduced planning can be implemented in various ways, like "car-free living", i.e. no parking areas for the inhabitants, or "car-reduced-living", i.e. the mix of uses in the quarter people live in, parking only on the boarder of the quarter and sustainable land use by using brownfield areas. In this paper the changes of travel demand caused by car-reduced-living was examined. The literature review contains both urban planning concepts and methods for modelling travel demand. Based on the findings from the literature a model was designed which allows to reorganise empirical travel behaviour in a way such that changes in destination choice and mode choice could be shown not only on an aggregated level but even on the microscopic level for every single activity. On the basis of established microscopic demand models this model was implemented and validated using the data of the German Mobility Panel ("Deutsche Mobilitätspanel"). The developed reorganisation model is not restricted to the evaluation of car-reduced living but can be applied to a wide range of questions concerning the assessment of measures. Especially the modules for destination choice and mode choice contain improvements which could be used in established travel demand models as well. The intrapersonal data of the German Mobility Panel could be used to increase the quality of the model. The developed model was used for the examination of the "Franzoesische Viertel" in Tuebingen, the up-to-now biggest car-reduced area in Germany. The existing data from a household-survey from Tuebingen was supplemented by data of similar households from the German Mobility Panel. For this examination structural data like opportunities for activities and mobility like mode-specific impedance matrices of the complete urban area of Tuebingen was gathered and analysed. For every activity during the week of every examined person older than 10 years possible changes in destination and mode choice were investigated and, if a possible change was detected, a simulation was performed. The first result of the examination is that for most activities and trips no changes caused by the measure are to be expected. The reason for this is the car-reduced mobility style of the most of the future inhabitants of the car-less area. That mobility style is practised even on their old residence under car orientated conditions, and that is why these households have chosen the special area to live in. The sample is not representative but a very special "car-reduced-sample". It could be concluded that car-reduced or car-free urban planning is adapted to the travel behaviour of the potential inhabitants and therefor only few changes in travel behaviour can be expected. Reported travel behaviour is so complex that only few trips and activities are concerned by such a measure. The main advantages of car-free or car-reduced planning are not in the possible changes of the travel behaviour, but much more in improving of the living situation of car-free or car-reduced people. (Author/publisher)

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C 35654 /10 /71 / ITRD D349772

Karlsruhe, Universität Karlsruhe, Institut für Verkehrswesen IfV, 2001, 158 p., 81 ref.; Schriftenreihe Institut für Verkehrswesen ; Heft 60/01 - ISSN 0341-5503 / ISBN 3-9804741-5-1

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