Modelling driver behaviour in automotive environments : critical issues in driver interactions with intelligent transport system.

Cacciabue, P.C. (ed.)

The study of all technological systems, in terms of design, safety assessment or training purposes requires that significant attention is dedicated to the human perspective. Techniques for user-centred design are normally applied and exploited before implementing new control devices or safety systems that are managed by a human user or operator. This demands that appropriate models of Human Machine Interaction and associated taxonomies for classifying human behaviour are available for theoretical and practical application. In the automotive environment, the paradigm of the joint human-machine system is called the "Driver-Vehicle-Environment" (DVE) model. Several studies have pointed out the unique nature of this domain, which can refer the standardisation and normalisation of behaviours, contexts and technology. This book presents a general overview of the various factors that contribute to modelling human behaviour in this specialised environment. All of these aspects contribute to creating the overall picture of the DVE model, and demonstrate the scope and dimensions of the many different interaction processes that demand modelling consideration. (Author/publisher)

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20091335 ST

Berlin, Springer, 2007, XIV + 440 p., ref. - ISBN 978-1-84628-617-9

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