Modelling driver choices towards accident risk reduction.

Yannis, G. Kanellopoulou, A. Aggeloussi, K. & Tsamboulas, D.

This research deals with the identification of the driver behavioural parameters that influence his choices in order to reduce the accident risk. In this context, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted and the stated preference method was used to develop an explanatory model. The application of the logistic regression model developed showed that parameters related to trip duration and increase of trip cost and time have an important impact on the choice of risk reduction alternatives. Other parameters with significant impact concerned gender, family status, driving experience and annual family income. Furthermore, the application of the model revealed that absolute value of additional trip time—not its percentage change—seems to play the most important role in driver choice towards accident risk reduction independently of the trip duration. Results from this sensitivity analysis of critical parameters affecting driver choices could prove useful for the identification of appropriate road safety strategies, programmes and measures for the improvement of driver behaviour. (Author/publisher)

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20051107 ST [electronic version only]

Safety Science, Vol. 43 (2005), No. 3 (March), p. 173-186, 40 ref.

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