Modelling dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling with real time information on travel times.

Taniguchi, E. Yamada, T. & Tamaishi, M.

This paper presents a dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model that incorporates real time information on variable travel times. Dynamic traffic simulation was used to update travel times. The model was applied to a test road network. Results indicated that the total cost decreased by implementing the dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model with the real time information on variable travel times compared with that of the forecast model. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract No. E208120.

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C 26829 (In: C 26815) /71 / ITRD E208128

In: Transportation and traffic theory in the 21st century : proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, 16-18 July 2002, p. 329-347, 16 ref.

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