Modelling of sub-micrometer particle concentrations in free-flowing freeway traffic, Brisbane, Australia: some empirical results.

McGregor, F. Ferreira, L. & Morawska, L.

As road networks become increasingly more congested, environmental concerns relating to emissions from motor vehicles assume a higher significance. This study found that road side concentrations of particles produced by freeway traffic in Brisbane, Australia, is primarily dependent upon traffic flow differentiated into fuel type, and wind speed. The analysis differentiates between diesel and petrol vehicles, and finds that particle concentration is very sensitive to the proportion of diesel-fuelled vehicles. A 20% increase in diesel vehicles can produce an 18% increase in particle concentrations compared with a 2% particle increase for the same number of additional petrol vehicles. (Author/publisher).

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I E118019 /15 /72 / ITRD E118019

Transportation Research Part D. 2003 /05. 8d(3) Pp229-41 (11 Refs.)

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