Models for monitoring the current and expected traffic state on inter-urban motorways.

Arem, B. van Vlist, M.J.M. van der Muste, M. Ruiter, J.C.C. de Smulders, S.A. & Dougherty, M.S.

This paper describes the models implemented in the GERDIEN Network State Monitoring and Prediction system (NSMP). A general description is given of the NSMP system and its context. The three submodels currently implemented are models for estimating current roadway capacity, for detecting congestion and estimating travel times and for predicting the near future traffic state. The models are described in a global way and performance results are reported. (A)

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C 10058 (In: C 9906 c [electronic version only]) /70 /73 / IRRD 868682

In: "Towards an intelligent transport system" : proceedings of the first world congress on applications of transport telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems IVHS, Palais de Congrès de Paris, France, 30 November - 3 December 1994, Volume 3, p. 1186-1193, 7 ref.

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