Moderne wegenbouwtechnieken : constructieve bijdragen aan het verminderen van congesties.

Heide, J.P.J. van der Dijkink, J.H. & Heerkens, J.C.P.

Road constructional measures to combat traffic jams can be divided into two groups: a) traffic engineering measures carried out during the construction and reconstruction of roads; b) measures to minimalise the nuisance caused by maintenance works. This paper discusses the technical possibilities to carry out these measures, and also considers the design of road constructions that need less maintenance. For the construction and reconstruction of roads technical measures are discussed concerning the subsoil, the roadbase, the pavement, engineering structures, the central reserve, and hard shoulders. These techniques concern the dimensioning of the structures and the technology of the materials applied, and they are aimed at speeding up the progress of the construction activities and attaining more durable structures. These aspects also apply to maintenance activities, and they are discussed in combination on the basis of damage patterns (surface deterioration, joints and cracks, large scale renovation techniques). Besides the technical optimalisation of the construction activities, the organisation of these activities can also be optimalised in order to reduce congestions as much as possible. Aspects such as inviting tenders, contracts, economic optimalisation, and quality assurance are discussed and exemplified for the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of roads. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD No 862419.

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C 26199 (In: C 26197) /10 /22 /30 /51 /52 /61 / IRRD 862421

In: Weg met files : praeadviezen voor de Congresdag 1988, p. 174-196

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