Modular approach to on-board automatic data collection systems - seminar.


On March 11 and 12, 1986, a seminar addressing on-board automatic data collection systems was sponsored by the National Cooperative Transit Research and Development Program (NCTRP). Forty-three individuals attended the seminar, which was held at the National Academy of Sciences facilities in Washington, DC. The seminar was organized by The MITRE Corporation as a follow-on to the research performed by MITRE on a NCTRP project titled: "A Modular Approach to On-Board Automatic Data Collection Systems." This Digest summarizes the presentations and discussions at the seminar. It was evident from the attendance and discussion at the seminar that a number of changes had taken place since the conclusion of the NCTRP research effort and, in particular, since the last formal meeting on the subject of automated data collection, a 1982 working group meeting sponsored by the Transportation Systems Center (TSC). While the TSC meeting was attended almost exclusively by U.S. transit agencies and U.S. equipment suppliers, the NCTRP seminar attracted nearly equal numbers of U.S. and Canadian representatives, plus representatives from three foreign suppliers. In addition, the developments at the seminar indicated not only increasing technological maturity, but also a greater emphasis on system modularity. (Author/publisher)

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871301 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 1986, 6 p.; National Cooperative Transit Research and Development Program (NCTRP) Research Results ; Digest No. 5

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