Mogelijkheden en beperkingen in de mobiliteit van ouderen : een verkenning in Zoetermeer - Meerzicht.

Tacken, M. & Caso, O.

In the Fall of 1996, 150 people of 65 and older have been interviewed in a part of a Dutch new town (Zoetermeer). Several life aspects were subject of the questionnaire: social context, functional environment physical environment, travel behaviour, and the personal situation. This paper starts with some general figures about mobility in the Netherlands as background to the local survey. In the physical environment people do not experience many hindrances in their mobility. The main problem concerns the feelings of public safety: the fear for attack or robbery. These barriers are, however, no reason to stay at home. Most elderly are very satisfied with their dwelling and spend a lot of time in this. Health is an important condition for mobility. About one third of this sample mentions any problems with health in relation to mobility. Vision and hearing problems are part of this. Most elderly use personal transportation modes: car, bicycle or walking. 61% of the elderly use the car, but 59% also use a bicycle. Public transport is not the most common way of travelling. 20% of the elderly do not use this mode. The train with his local function in Zoetermeer is most familiar with about 70% as more or less frequent users. The conclusion seems to be justified that most people in this sample did not meet too high barriers in their mobility. They could handle them, sometimes with help of other people. Their coping behaviour is very well developed. (A)

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C 14841 (In: C 14748 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD E203479

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1998 : sturen met structuren : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Delft, 12 en 13 november 1998, deel 4, p. 1739-1752, 4 ref.

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