Moisture movement, granular materials and nuclear instrumentation.


THom. H.C.S.: Quantitative evaluation of climatic factors in relation to soil moisture regime. Russam, K.: Subgrade moisture studies by the British road research laboratory. Hoover, J.M., S. Kumar, and T.W. Best: Degradation control of crushed stone base course mixes during laboratory compaction. Moore, W.M., G. Swift, and L.J. Milberger: Deformation measuring system for repetitively loaded, large-diameter speciment of granular material. Dunn, W.L. & F.H. McDougall: Minimizing errors in gamma-ray surface-type density gages: existing gages and new design concepts.

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A 5592 S IRRD 50786 - 50790

Washington, D.C., Highway Research Board HRB, 1970, Pp.; Highway Research Record HRR ; No. 301

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