Monetary reward, verbal reinforcement, and harvest strategy of others in the commons dilemma.

Birjulin, A.A. Smith, J.M. & Bell, P.A.

A commons dilemma arises when individuals sharing a resource act according to their short-term interests, thereby causing the long-term destruction of a slowly regnerating resource (Platt, 1973). Seventy-two American students played a computerized commons-dilemma simulation in which verbal reinforcement for conservation-oriented harvests, exploitive harvesting strategies by other participants, and monetary rewards for harvests were crossed in a between-subjects factorial design. Results are discussed in terms of competitive influences attributable to monetary rewards and others' behavior, with implications for changing reinforcement structures as a possible solution to commons dilemmas.

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931292 ST [electronic version only]

Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 133 (1993), No. 2 (April), p. 207-214, 15 ref.

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