Monitoring incident and travel behaviour through the use of ATMS architecture.

Fergus, A.W. & Turner, D.J.

The paper highlights the initial results of a Transfund Research project being undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of Variable Message Speed Signs (VMSS) within the Ngauranga Active Traffic Management System (NATMS). A unique feature of the NATMS is the use of VMSS which display a mandatory speed imposed by controllers in response to an incident or prevailing traffic conditions. The research intends to study response to the VMSS both under typically “normal” conditions and when an incident plan is in place. The first stage of the research has involved an extensive data collection programme using the Video Image Processors/Incident Cameras and accompanying software to produce normalised speed profiles. The intention is to be able to show a speed profile at any instance for all camera sites within the Gorge in addition to showing how speeds vary over time at any given location. The research team are particularly interested in how drivers respond to imposed speed reductions and how their speed varies with time and travel through the affected area. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E213852.

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C 36486 (In: C 36478) [electronic version only] /72 /73 / ITRD E213860

In: IPENZ Transportation Group Technical Conference papers 2002, Rotorua, New Zealand, 25 September 2002, 19 p.

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