Moped task analysis: Instructional objectives. Final report.

McKnight, A.J. Calvin, M.A. Weir, D.H. & Zellner, J.W.

Activities in developing a moped task analysis are described. The tasks required in safe operation of a moped, along with their component behaviours, knowledge's, and skills, were identified through a comprehensive analysis of the literature interviews with experienced moped operators, and three research studies performed as a part of this project. Estimates of accident frequency for each behaviour were developed through ratings of behaviour frequency, error probability and accident likelihood.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 26431 fo /83.2 /83. 5 /

Alexandria, Virginia, National Public Services Research Institute, 1980, V + 27 p., tab. DOT HS-805733

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