Moral hazard in traffic games.

Pedersen, P.A.

Despite safer vehicles and increased investment in road safety, accident rates have not fallen. The reason, say experts, is that road users are less careful because they factor road and vehicle safety into their driving behavior. The response of drivers on external safety improvements is known as "moral hazard" effects. In this paper, the author attempts to explain traffic safety behavior among road users through a two-person game-theoretical model, in which they identify road users as '"hawks" and "doves." It was found that when two aggressive road users, hawks, meet in traffic, unsafe actions are taken that imply high accident risk for both. Improvements in safety conditions increases high risk situations on the roads. For related work see C 25301 fo.

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C 25302 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E824995

Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol. 37 (2003), No. 1 (January), p. 47-68, 35 ref.

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