Moral judgment and drivers' behavior among Brazilian students.

Bianchi, A. & Summala, H.

It is well known that lifestyle, social deviance, and criminal background are related to involvement in road accidents. This study addressed the connection between moral judgement and driving behaviour, especially deliberate violations of the traffic law. 260 university students (age 18-30 years, 41% women) completed the Sociomoral Reflection Measure and Driver behaviour Questionnaire. No significant associations were found, probably due to the small variance in Moral judgement score in this selected sample. This study presented a Portuguese 28-item version of the Driver behaviour Questionnaire that reproduced the same four-factor structure as the British version: ordinary violations, aggressive violations, errors, and lapses. (Author/publisher)

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C 24095 [electronic version only]

Psychological Report, Vol. 91 (2002), No. 3 (December), Part 1, p. 759-766, 37 ref.

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