Moreton 2030: a vision for efficient urban structure in South East Queensland.

Hale, C. & Przibella, C.

The paper reviews urban development and transit in mid-sized post-industrial cities. The factors influencing land-use and transport strategy are discussed. Transport and land use strategies in Singapore, Stockholm and Zurich are reviewed. In South East Queensland, growth pressures have lead to a number of new planning and transport documents and these are discussed critically. The second part of the paper takes a visual look at existing and planned public transport infrastructure in South East Queensland, identifies key nodes and activity centres, and proposes a long-term vision for efficient urban structure. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see IRRD abstract no. E216410.

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C 43543 (In: C 43510 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E216421

In: CAITR 2006: [proceedings of the] 28th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research (CAITR), University of New South Wales, 6-8 December 2006, 28 p., 22 ref.

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