Morocco - National Report Strategic Direction Session ST5: Access to mobility: a basic social service.


Isolation is one of the main obstacles to overcome so as to carry out any rural world integrated development action. Roads and Road Traffic Department (DRCR), coming under the Ministry of Equipment and Transport, has undertaken, during the last ten years, important road infrastructures innovation actions in the countryside, at the level of financing, partnership, design and adapting construction techniques based on the appreciation of local materials and the creation of employment opportunities. At the regional and local levels, rural roads are intended to service the hinterland and provide populations with opening up to allow them have access to the rest of the network. They are, therefore, the fundamental frameworks for the economic and social development of the serviced area, allowing a better spatial layout of the productive activities and facilitating the creation of new social projects. Road financing in the countryside, falling solely to the public departments, based on the state budget, has not been allowing before 1995 to carry out more than 250 Km of new roads each year, while the needs such as inventoried by the DRCR in 1992 exceed 38000 Km of opening up roads. To absorb this deficit, the Ministry of Equipment and Transport launched in 1995 the Rural Roads National Program (PNRR) that concerns 11236 Km and that allows servicing a population of about 6 million inhabitants. The implementation of this program has began to take shape by raising new financial means, developing partnership and improving design studies and opening up roads construction techniques. For the covering abstract see ITRD E135448.

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C 42880 (In: C 42760 CD-ROM) /10 /72 / ITRD E138575

In: CD-DURBAN : proceedings of the XXIIth World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Durban, South Africa, 19 to 25 October 2003

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