The most likely trip matrix estimated from traffic counts.

Zuylen, H.J. van & Willumsen, L.G.

For a large number of applications conventional methods for estimating an origin destination matrix become too expensive to use. Two models, based on information minimisation and entrophy maximisation principles, have been developed by the authors to estimate an O-D matrix from traffic counts. The models assume knowledge of the paths followed by the vehicles over the network. The models then use the traffic counts to estimate the most likely O-D matrix consistent with the link volumes available and any prior information about the trip matrix. Both models can be used to update and improve a previous O-D matrix. An algorithm to find a solution to the model is then described. The models have been tested with artificial data and performed reasonably well. Further research is being carried out to validate the models with real data. (A)

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C 8828 T /71 / IRRD 249483

Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, Vol. 14 B (1980), No. 3 (September), p. 281-293, 18 ref.

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