In-motion weighing of vehicles on heavily trafficked roads.

Basson, J.E.B. Visser, A.T. & Freeme, C.R.

In response to a need for easy-to-use and robust equipment for surveying the weights and characteristics of vehicles while in motion, the national institute for transport and road research, south africa, developed the traffic data logger. Results of repeatability tests show that this system is well suited for survey purposes. The wide range of information available from this equipment is illustrated by a case study on a heavily trafficked rural road.

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C 16533 (In: C 16532 S) /22 / IRRD 829206

In: Pavement management and weigh-in-motion : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1200, p. 1-6, 9 ref.

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