Motivating anti-DWI behaviors using existing values.


Despite progress in reducing alcohol-impaired crashes, the drunk driving problem will not be solved until changes are made in the public's beliefs and attitudes toward drinking and driving. We need to strengthen a social norm (standard of behaviour) that says that people should not drive while impaired or let others do so. One way to do this is by using values that are already important to people and associating them with the anti-DWI norm. This will allow people to avoid impaired driving based on their own values, thus establishing a foundation for behaviour that is more resistant to outside influence and change. Data were collected through in-depth discussions and focus groups with 18-29 year-old drivers who drink alcohol. Information was collected on those things which were most valued in respondents' lives, and the settings and situations in which their drinking and driving occurs. They were also asked whether countermeasures such as designated drivers are practical given their drinking and driving patterns. (Author/publisher)

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C 26712 [electronic version only] /83 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1996, 178 p.

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