The motivation and opinions of the police : a key issue for the effectiveness of enforcement.

Christ, R.

This paper presents some results of a study on the effectiveness of traffic law enforcement in Austria. First a few basic data are presented. Although enforcement is seen positive in the population the interaction between drivers and the police officers is sometimes complicated. The last part of this paper tries to describe motivational factors of police officers. Results of the questionnaires show that officers are not a homogeneous group. Various types of officers are described. Four groups of pessimistic and four groups of optimistic officers regarding the effectiveness of enforcement were found in the analysis. (A)

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C 14496 (In: C 14472 S) /73 / IRRD 894596

In: Proceedings of the conference Road Safety in Europe and Strategic Highway Research Program SHRP, Prague, the Czech Republic, September 20-22, 1995, VTI Konferens No. 4A, Part 4, p. 273-284, 8 ref.

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