Motor vehicle inspection : training staff and community instructors.

Bishop, E.W.

This project was undertaken to train instructors for the NHTSA MVI Training curriculum developed under Contract DOT-HS-5-01136. It was also a means of acquainting state personnel with the content and scope of the curriculum. Instructor training followed the model of previous NHTSA Instructor Institutes. A total of 73 state or community personnel were successfully trained as instructors in five sessions at various locations throughout the country. Each session lasted four days; the MVI Training curriculum was reviewed, applicable training methods were taught and each attendee presented a lesson segment for practice and critique. Some problems in implementing the NHTSA training at the state level were perceived, and one final meeting among state, NHTSA and contractor personnel was held to address just the issue of implementation. In a two-day meeting potential problems were discussed and guidance for further refinement of the MVI training by NHTSA was developed. (Portions of this document are not fully legible).

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Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1977, 154 p., tab.; DOT HS 803 294

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