Moving safely across America : the interactive highway safety experience.


A strategic goal of the Federal Highway Administration is to work closely with all safety partners to heighten the awareness of all drivers on highway safety measures. Safety is a shared responsibility and all drivers need to recognize, understand, and take advantage of the safety features that are built into our roadways. Moving Safely Across America, The Interactive Highway Safety Experience,was developed to improve the level of highway safety knowledge for the average driver. Research indicates that driver error is associated with a significant number of highway crashes. Many of these drivers are unaware of, or have underestimated the risks and/or consequences associated with various roadway behaviors. The CD-ROM has three Activity Areas: Road Trip - Take a virtual journey with Joe and his friends and help them make it safely to their vacation spot; Road Challenge - Are you road savvy? Test your skills and find out; Safety Stops - Discover more about the technology that is built right into the road and see what is planned for the highways of the future. This CD-ROM can be incorporated into state safety awareness initiatives, driver education programs, or used in conjunction with other public safety information campaigns. (Author/publisher)

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C 37211 CD-ROM

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 2002, CD-ROM

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