MUARC's speed enforcement research : principles learnt and implications for practice.

Delaney, A. Diamantopoulou, K. & Cameron, M.

This report provides a coherent review of MUARC's speed enforcement research to date and highlights the enforcement principles established by the research. The report also examines the practical implications of the research for future enforcement operations. The MUARC research reviewed in this report includes evaluations of the effectiveness of a range of enforcement technologies including mobile speed cameras, hand-held laser speed detection devices, mobile radar speed detectors and fixed speed cameras. The effectiveness of these technologies has been evaluated in terms of both the effect on casualty crash frequency and severity and in some instances the effect on driver behaviour. Principles and implications arising from this research relating to the timing, intensity and location of enforcement operations are provided where appropriate. In addition, the role of mass media publicity and driver perceptions of enforcement activities are examined in the context of future enforcement operations. (Author/publisher)

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C 25992 [electronic version only] /73 /83 / ITRD E209660

Clayton, Victoria, Monash University, Accident Research Centre MUARC, 2003, XVIII + 30 p., 22 ref.; MUARC Report ; No. 200 - ISBN 0-7326-1499-6

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