Multi action pedestrian program in the City of Darebin.

Ivett, L. Deery, H. & Corben, B.

As part of a Pedestrian Action Plan, a Multi Action pilot program targeting a pedestrian high-risk municipality is under development. This paper focuses on the process of development, implementation and evaluation of the Multi Action program based on data analysis undertaken by the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC). Seven key crash types were identified across the nine locations. Countermeasures recommended for addressing those crashes are both generic and location-specific and need to be considered in the context of each location and crash type. The crash types and countermeasure options are described in some detail in the paper. Given the need to evaluate these countermeasures. a research design and methodology was also proposed that could be used to evaluate a range of pedestrian safety initiatives. The Multi Action Pedestrian Program and resultant process model has the potential to reduce pedestrian crashes in municipalities with high pedestrian crash rates. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E207978.

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C 25650 (In: C 25633) /73 / ITRD E207995

In: Proceedings of the road safety research and enforcement conference `effective partnerships', Coogee Beach, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, 4-5 November 1996, p. 227-234, 6 ref.

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