Multi-centered time transfer system for Capital Metro, Austin, Texas

Bakker, J.J. Calkin, J. & Sylvester, S.

This paper describes how a radial bus route system was modified into a multi-centered timed-transfer bus network. The intent was to modify the transit network to fit the modern city, which has many centres in addition to the Central Business District. The system is particularly applicable for cities that have a low density of development with typical midday bus headways of 30 minutes. Some implementation problems occurred, particularly because no off-street facilities were obtained. The locations that were established are either on street or on a shopping centre. It is concluded that existing networks can be adapted into a Timed Transfer System, and that for systems with long headways network optimisation is more critical than route optimisation.

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C 16520 (In: C 16516 S) /72 / IRRD 828138

In: Transit issues and recent advances in planning and operations techniques : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1202, p. 22-28, 5 ref.

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