Multi model modelling for integrated planning in Surrey.

Fanstone, H. & Tarrier, M.

The Surrey County Transportation Model (SCTM) is believed to be the largest model of its kind in the country. It covers Surrey, the south east of England, the M25 and a skeletal network of the rest of the United Kingdom. It models private and public transport over seven time periods, including peak hours, and forecasts up to the year 2016. The main components of the SCTM include a Highway Traffic model (private and Heavy Goods Vehicle) and a Public Transport model. These are linked by a Mode Split model. There are also sub models for Peak Spreading, Redistribution, and Induced Traffic. The highway model contains some 773 zones, 5200 nodes, including 600 dynamicaly modelled, and over 15000 links. The public transport model contains over 600 bus and rail routes, 6800 nodes and 26000 links. The SCTM is able to integrate land use and transportation and can test the transportation impacts of development scenarios. The model can also test the impacts of integrated transport packages, including the introduction of congestion and work place charging.

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C 20289 (In: C 20279) /72 / ITRD E108414

In: Transport modelling : proceedings of Seminar K (P445) of the European Transport Conference 2000, held Homerton College, Cambridge, UK, 11-13 September 2000, p. 109-121

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