Multiband : a variable-bandwidth arterial progression scheme

Gartner, N.H. Assmann, S.F. Lasaga, F. & Hou, D.L.

A new approach to arterial progression optimisation was developed that incorporates a systematic traffic-dependent criterion. The method generates variable bandwidth progression schemes in which each directional road section is assigned an individually weighted band. The computer program for this method is named "multiband." Similar to maxband, multiband uses mixed-integer linear programming for the optimisation. The approach offers the traffic engineer a much wider range of design options than do existing arterial progression methods. In particular, the program provides a capability to adapt the progression scheme to the specific traffic flow pattern on each link of the arterial. Simulation results indicate that this method can produce considerable gains in performance when compared with traditional progression methods.

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3 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


C 14735 (In: C 14714 S) /73 / IRRD 844317

In: Traffic flow, capacity, roadway lighting and urban traffic systems 1990, Transportation Research Record No. 1287, p. 212-222, 23 ref.

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